Friday, December 30, 2016

Years Come and Years Go

I LOVE starting a new year. Is there really anyone who doesn't? Something about the freshness of new numbers being written at the end of your month and day makes me feel like I can do things differently this year. I can forget the things that I didn't like about the past and move forward and change things. I love to reflect. It's rare that I take the time to do it. I'm using living for the moment, juggling several balls, spinning a few plates while standing on one foot. I'd like to think that I'm learning to put a few of those things down. So here's a few of my reflections and lessons that I'd like to say I've learned in 2016.

1. We CAN actually drive to Canada. Without killing each other. AND.... we're planning on doing it again! For almost 16 years this thought frightened me so much that I never even considered doing it. But thanks to my mighty, needs no sleep, THRIVING husband, he conquered I-65 like a champ and made it in 16 hours to London, Ontario. We spent the week mostly technology free, enjoying our Canadian family and each other. It was a dream vacation which will now become an annual vacation.

2. Stop saying yes to everything that is asked of you!! This lesson was a hard one learned. I've always made it a point to tell my superhero husband that he doesn't have to always help someone just because they asked. He doesn't always have to serve on the board of <insert non-profit organization or business committee> just because he's asked. Yet I found myself dreading the things I said yes to. The things I thought would be fun, and they would be if it was the only thing I was doing. So next year I will say yes to the things I am passionate about and start using the sentence, "I don't think I have time to give that the attention it needs" and not feel guilty about it. I also learned that guilt isn't from God. Thanks Pastor Tim for teaching me that. Guilt is from the enemy. Jesus didn't die to take away our sins so we could feel guilty. He took the sin and shame and made us new so we could have life and have it more abundantly! John 10:10.

3. Decide to be grateful! It doesn't come easy for me. I struggle with contentment in many areas of my life. House, cars, finances, comparison. I have learned how to get out of the dumps by turning on music and praising Jesus. It immediately helps when I turn my focus off myself and onto Him. I'm so thankful for the health of our family. I am so thankful for a husband who loves me and is fully devoted to me. I am incredibly thankful for my church and the friends who have become more like family than friends over the past year! (Shout out to the Fab Five Wives Club - You know who you are!) I'm thankful that I get to share Jesus with kids every week at our church. I am thankful for my mom and dad who have taught me to love anyone God brings into our life like our own.

4. Be still and know that I am God. Sometimes we need to take a break from doing and start listening. This will be number 1 goal for 2017. I feel deep down inside that God is preparing our family for something big in 2017. I'm not sure what it is but I know that I am willing to be used. Pastor Tim did a series late this year on how Nehemiah built a wall. Because he knew God wanted him to. Because he was passionate about it. He wouldn't be derailed. He had a purpose. He was driven. God spoke to me every week during this series. And every week I was broken. And maybe what I'm broken about is not what God is calling us to do. Maybe it is. But I want to listen.

So... Goals for 2017 are pretty simple.

~ Love more
~ Be less "busy"
~ Eat healthier, Keep working out, Keep Thriving!
~ Be intentional and generous with our finances
~ Sell our home

What are yours? I would love to know! Comment below!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Check It at the Door....And that....and that too....

Forewarning....the following post is about 1st world problems. I am VERY grateful that my family is happy, safe, healthy and loved. Now, with that said....

My bestie and I were complaining to each other today. Because we get each other. We know what each other are going to say before we even say it. And we don't judge each other. EVER.

We are both working (corporate job because ALL moms work!! #momlivesmatter) mamas. Her husband travels for work. Mine is extremely busy with work, and just so happens to be out of town today as well. We are very grateful for these amazing men in our lives so don't jump to conclusions and think this is a husband bashing post. Because I don't bash my #1 man. He's incredible and she feels the same about hers.

So all of November so far has been out of this world, insanely crazy for my family. Last week was because of an amazing fundraising event put on by my husband and an amazing team. This week my managers have been in town and I've been tied up with that. But today, today takes the cake.

Woke up with a headache (that went away very quickly thanks to Thrive! Click on that!) so I didn't work out. First mistake. Should have gone anyway. But the hour and a half of extra sleep was nice.

Got ready for work, got the kids ready. But wait, today is the Thanksgiving feast for little K's classroom. The one I had to tell her last night I was going to miss because of work. And she cried.  Insert guilt here.

Corn I have corn on the cob. Perfect that's easy to take. Get corn out of the freezer, well 6 cobs isn't going to feed the class. Off to Winn-Dixie I go. Meanwhile, back at the farm, I had taken my debit card out of my pants pocket from the night before and put it into my work bag. Because I'm not going to forget my work bag. Now I'm at Winn-Dixie, corn and mashed potatoes in hand (microwave mashed potatoes of course - made from real potatoes ... of course!) and no debit card. Oh and I was on the phone as well. Panic starts because I don't have my debit card. Then I remember my "emergency cash" so I whip that out. But wait, I don't want to break that. 1 old-school CHECK FOUND! YES! Line has formed behind me watching the frantic mama tell the cashier about the Thanksgiving feast that I have to miss. They must think I'm a nut case.

Back home, corn in the boiling water, mashed potatoes in the microwave, wiping out the crockpots. All is going well and we're on schedule. Load up the kids, load up the food, grab my work bag and off we go. Good moods all around. I can breathe.


We're almost to the school when I hear a big thud. In the back of the caddy. Where the food is. Pull over, mashed potatoes all over the back of my trunk. What else is there to do but scoop up the potatoes that didn't touch the trunk and put them back in the pot. Mashed potatoes all over the trunk. Mashed potatoes all over my hands. Grab one of the many articles of clothing in my car and wipe them. Little K is frantic asking if that jacket of hers can be washed. No time to spare. Off to school. Kids and food dropped off, headed to work meeting. Was there just in the nick of time.

Meanwhile, guilt ensues. Time approaches where I know the other mamas are coming into the classroom, yet I couldn't be there. Jealousy. Anger.

Next, got a call from middle K's school. He has a tummy ache.  This is not anything out of the ordinary. Talked to him. Told the nurse to let him lay down and offer him a snack. 30 minutes later, phone rings again. Vomiting. Nice. Couldn't leave my work meeting for a Thanksgiving feast but HAD to for a vomiting child.

Find a manager, leave the meeting. Off to the school. Pick him up. Home.

Off to the girls' school to surprise them and pick them up early. Who wouldn't want to be picked up early from school right? The 13 year old, that's who. Wow.

Get home, get a call from another friend concerning plans this weekend not going as planned. Awesome.

Read a post in our class app from a teacher (see previous post). Just going to leave that there.

This brings you to the conversation I have with my BFF. Moms who work outside the home....KUDDOS. CHEERS to the weekend and time with your family. So as I'm telling her about the craziness that I have endured all day, alone, the thought crosses my mind.

Check that at the door, Karen. Wow. As I talked to her more, I knew deep down in my heart, that these feelings cannot stay in my life. Not today satan. Not today.

Guilt - Is not from God. Jesus didn't come to earth, die on a cross and break the chains of sins (these thoughts) for us to have guilt. No.

Jealousy - Really? Check that one at the door too. Then I'm reminded, some moms couldn't go to their child's classroom thanksgiving dinner because they have other children that aren't well. Or they don't have a way to get there. Or maybe embarrassed because they couldn't send anything to the class.

Anger - Check that one at the door. Anger doesn't fix anything. In fact, it only makes matters worse. For me and my family.

Mamas, all mamas. Working outside the home, from home, mompreneurs, stay at home moms. We ALL have these same feelings from time to time. Let's encourage each other to check this junk at the door. Rise above it. Don't bring it into our homes. Let our homes be a safe haven. A place of peace. A place of protection. Because with God's help we can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens us. There's lots of hard days. But when we acknowledge these feelings, and check them at the door, we can live in peace.

And just now, after talking with my bestie again, she reminded me of this verse.

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

ALL of what happened today can teach me, stretch me, grow me. And what you have going on, is stretching and growing you too. Because none of us are finished growing and we never will be.

Remember that song, "He's Still Working On Me?" Still true today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

School Struggles, EXCITED!

Happy to report that after some lengthy messages between little K's teacher and I, we have come to an agreement. Little K needs to be kept busy!! This makes perfect sense as her previous school was nothing but busy. Fun yes, but moving singing, reciting every minute of the school day. So today she was the teacher helper. She passed out workbooks, collected workbooks, helped her teacher with whatever was needed and IT WAS A GREAT DAY!!

Needless to say some prayer went into this day and God answered. Yippie!

Hoping this is the last of the "School Struggles" posts and we can report happy days from here on out.

Monday, October 24, 2016

School Struggles

Ok mamas. How many days in a row can you go getting a "bad report" from your kid's school without losing your cool? I'm almost to my limit. For real. So here's our conundrum. We have a very bright 5 year old. Who knows how to get what she wants. She knows she's cute and that people usually give in to her. She knows how to push buttons. She knows how to behave. In fact, last year she attended Pre-K at one of the strictest (is that the right word?) schools in town. We had zero problems. Her teacher would call to say how wonderful she was doing. Or maybe how she wasn't quite catching on to a certain concept they were going over with ways for us to help her at home. We had a wonderful year.

But that also came with having 3 kids in 3 different schools, in 3 different after school activities, with 2 full time working parents. Let's just say we needed to streamline a little. So after much prayer we decided to venture off into the "less strict, positive reinforcement" realm of private schools. Side note: She is too young (by 19 days) to attend public school or she would surely be enjoying Scenic Heights Elementary where we have had zero problems with our 2 older.

My amazing, logical husband keeps reminding me (and I'm so thankful for it) that no kid looks back when applying to colleges to say, if only my parents would have put me at school XYZ for kindergarten. I get that. But a mama needs to stay sane. Can I get an amen?

So step 1 will be scheduling a meeting with the principle. Because my daughter needs to behave. Absolutely will we not put up with disrespect, disobedience, etc. But we have to figure out a way for the teacher to be able to handle her during the day. Because I can't go to school with her. And if I did, she would behave at least one could hope.

To be continued.....

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

From a Busy Mom

I write this post today as a busy, working mom. Not as someone who loves fitness and nutrition. Not as someone who is promoting Thrive. I truly want to connect with you on a different level and show you my heart.

I have talked before about the horrible cycle that we all get in. Start working out, start feeling better, busy schedule gets busier and you miss a workout. You beat yourself over the workout and the next day you miss it again. By now you probably don't feel good. You don't feel like working out. So then you give up on the healthy meals you've been planning because frankly you just haven't had time to plan anything let alone cook a healthy meal. The fast food begins again or the frozen meals for the family. Or whatever works. Can I tell you that I have been there! I get there often. It seems as though I can only get about 2 weeks into a workout routine and then something happens to wreck it. Usually it's because I don't feel like it. Or I don't feel good. Regardless, the cycle continues. Isn't it so hard to break it? For me it truly is. And when I feel bad physically and my self confidence slides, it truly affects my relationships. It affects my productivity at work. Mommy always has a headache. Mommy is always tired. Husband thinks wife is grumpy all the time. The self doubt continues.

Is this you? Maybe you're not a mom but a student and classes are weighing you down. Maybe it's your job that you don't like. I don't know it could be anything. What I have found over the last couple of weeks as this is a result of your body not having the fuel it needs. My education is in nutrition so I've heard this for many many years. Food is fuel. And I've always agreed. But it wasn't until I started truly fueling my body that I start FEELING the difference. It's not about seeing the difference but about feeling it. Feeling better makes you be able to face the day and tackle all that you have to tackle.

That is why I Thrive. I just want everyone to know that I truly, truly believe that this product of the highest grade vitamins on the market is legit. Like too legit to quit (insert MC Hammer moves here). This product has the potential to change your life. It is truly changing MY life. I love that at the end of a busy day I do feel like playing Just Dance with the kids. I laugh hysterically at the family game night we are having. I am so much more productive during the day. I am so in love with this product that I absolutely have to share it with others. Please ask me more. Please ask me how this product can help you.

Friday, April 10, 2015

I THRIVE!!! Do You???

Oh my goodness. Please tell me you have heard of this amazing new product! Actually, I hope you haven't so I can be the one that shows you the latest and the greatest in cutting edge nutrition. I can sum it up in a few words. Energy beyond belief!

So it all started when my great friend Denise started wearing this "patch thingy" on her arm and started telling me how amazing she was feeling with this new product she is trying. Now I know she is into fitness and goes to a fabulous boot camp program daily. However, I also know that she started struggling with getting up in the morning, not feeling great, etc etc. So if something makes someone feel amazing (and it's legal) I'm all about learning more. She gave me samples and I was hooked.

Day 1: Woke up, took a vitamin before my feet hit the floor. Waited 20-40 minutes and blended a very yummy vanilla shake. Added a squirt of chocolate and peanut butter and drank it up. Delish! Then put on my patch for the day. So what is the patch all about? I'm so glad you asked! THIS IS THE CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY I was talking about!!! Vitamins being absorbed, through your skin, for 24 hours. YES PLEASE!  Can you say energizer bunny? Oh my goodness I cannot even tell you how wonderful it felt to not feel tired the whole entire day? And no jitters! Ask my husband who sampled this with me. He went to bed around 11pm and I was still up folding laundry. Usually I am the one who falls asleep at 9 pm watching TV. But no, not this night. Finally I knew the morning was coming fast so I decided to make myself fall asleep. I was quite worried that I would not be able to seeing as how I still had so much energy. But the weirdest thing happened. I fell asleep quickly and slept SO WELL! Woke up feeling well rested and ready for the day!

Day 2: Same thing! Felt so good.

Needless to say I have more product on the way and just couldn't wait to share the great news! Make sure you contact me if you would like a sample!

Please do me a favor and click HERE. Browse around and see what this can do to help you feel better. I have said before that fitness and weight control is like a viscous cycle. You don't feel good, do not have the energy to exercise so you don't. Which makes the weight go up and then you feel worse. Depression sets in and the cycle repeats. It's not until you DECIDE to do it anyway that you break that cycle. I am finding that Thrive helps me feel good and have so much energy that I WANT to exercise. And when I'm exercising I want to eat right. When I eat right I feel great and have more confidence! So the cycle I want to be on is positive! 

So message me your questions, comments, etc. I'm here to help!

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Wow it has been way too long since I have posted on my blog! NOT OK!! But I'm all about being real. So, here it goes. True confessions. Been a bit lazy. Been a bit down. Had surgery 2 weeks ago (nothing major) but couldn't run or workout for about a week. That's all it takes to get me out of the habit! One bad meal is all it takes to make it ok to eat another the next day. And then the unhealthy cycle begins. Until when?

I was just talking with a friend today and I told her the moment I press play on my PIYO workout I will be instantly hooked again. But why does it take days and days to "feel good enough" or "have the time" to push play on a 20 minutes DVD. That I can do at home. In my PJs. No excuse! None! Ridiculous! Ok so I'm done beating myself up over this. I have let it go and put it in the past. It's already 30 seconds in the past. Tomorrow, I run without walking and then I come home and push play on my 20 minute video. You can too!!

Also, will you do me a HUGE favor??? If you haven't visited my "like" page on facebook please take a look and press the "like" button! I would be honored. And you would help keep me motivated!! And I would love you forever!!

Comment below and tell me what your hang ups are? Am I the only one that has a hard time getting back into the swing of things?