Friday, December 30, 2016

Years Come and Years Go

I LOVE starting a new year. Is there really anyone who doesn't? Something about the freshness of new numbers being written at the end of your month and day makes me feel like I can do things differently this year. I can forget the things that I didn't like about the past and move forward and change things. I love to reflect. It's rare that I take the time to do it. I'm using living for the moment, juggling several balls, spinning a few plates while standing on one foot. I'd like to think that I'm learning to put a few of those things down. So here's a few of my reflections and lessons that I'd like to say I've learned in 2016.

1. We CAN actually drive to Canada. Without killing each other. AND.... we're planning on doing it again! For almost 16 years this thought frightened me so much that I never even considered doing it. But thanks to my mighty, needs no sleep, THRIVING husband, he conquered I-65 like a champ and made it in 16 hours to London, Ontario. We spent the week mostly technology free, enjoying our Canadian family and each other. It was a dream vacation which will now become an annual vacation.

2. Stop saying yes to everything that is asked of you!! This lesson was a hard one learned. I've always made it a point to tell my superhero husband that he doesn't have to always help someone just because they asked. He doesn't always have to serve on the board of <insert non-profit organization or business committee> just because he's asked. Yet I found myself dreading the things I said yes to. The things I thought would be fun, and they would be if it was the only thing I was doing. So next year I will say yes to the things I am passionate about and start using the sentence, "I don't think I have time to give that the attention it needs" and not feel guilty about it. I also learned that guilt isn't from God. Thanks Pastor Tim for teaching me that. Guilt is from the enemy. Jesus didn't die to take away our sins so we could feel guilty. He took the sin and shame and made us new so we could have life and have it more abundantly! John 10:10.

3. Decide to be grateful! It doesn't come easy for me. I struggle with contentment in many areas of my life. House, cars, finances, comparison. I have learned how to get out of the dumps by turning on music and praising Jesus. It immediately helps when I turn my focus off myself and onto Him. I'm so thankful for the health of our family. I am so thankful for a husband who loves me and is fully devoted to me. I am incredibly thankful for my church and the friends who have become more like family than friends over the past year! (Shout out to the Fab Five Wives Club - You know who you are!) I'm thankful that I get to share Jesus with kids every week at our church. I am thankful for my mom and dad who have taught me to love anyone God brings into our life like our own.

4. Be still and know that I am God. Sometimes we need to take a break from doing and start listening. This will be number 1 goal for 2017. I feel deep down inside that God is preparing our family for something big in 2017. I'm not sure what it is but I know that I am willing to be used. Pastor Tim did a series late this year on how Nehemiah built a wall. Because he knew God wanted him to. Because he was passionate about it. He wouldn't be derailed. He had a purpose. He was driven. God spoke to me every week during this series. And every week I was broken. And maybe what I'm broken about is not what God is calling us to do. Maybe it is. But I want to listen.

So... Goals for 2017 are pretty simple.

~ Love more
~ Be less "busy"
~ Eat healthier, Keep working out, Keep Thriving!
~ Be intentional and generous with our finances
~ Sell our home

What are yours? I would love to know! Comment below!!

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