Thursday, January 29, 2015


Wow it has been way too long since I have posted on my blog! NOT OK!! But I'm all about being real. So, here it goes. True confessions. Been a bit lazy. Been a bit down. Had surgery 2 weeks ago (nothing major) but couldn't run or workout for about a week. That's all it takes to get me out of the habit! One bad meal is all it takes to make it ok to eat another the next day. And then the unhealthy cycle begins. Until when?

I was just talking with a friend today and I told her the moment I press play on my PIYO workout I will be instantly hooked again. But why does it take days and days to "feel good enough" or "have the time" to push play on a 20 minutes DVD. That I can do at home. In my PJs. No excuse! None! Ridiculous! Ok so I'm done beating myself up over this. I have let it go and put it in the past. It's already 30 seconds in the past. Tomorrow, I run without walking and then I come home and push play on my 20 minute video. You can too!!

Also, will you do me a HUGE favor??? If you haven't visited my "like" page on facebook please take a look and press the "like" button! I would be honored. And you would help keep me motivated!! And I would love you forever!!

Comment below and tell me what your hang ups are? Am I the only one that has a hard time getting back into the swing of things?

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