Monday, October 24, 2016

School Struggles

Ok mamas. How many days in a row can you go getting a "bad report" from your kid's school without losing your cool? I'm almost to my limit. For real. So here's our conundrum. We have a very bright 5 year old. Who knows how to get what she wants. She knows she's cute and that people usually give in to her. She knows how to push buttons. She knows how to behave. In fact, last year she attended Pre-K at one of the strictest (is that the right word?) schools in town. We had zero problems. Her teacher would call to say how wonderful she was doing. Or maybe how she wasn't quite catching on to a certain concept they were going over with ways for us to help her at home. We had a wonderful year.

But that also came with having 3 kids in 3 different schools, in 3 different after school activities, with 2 full time working parents. Let's just say we needed to streamline a little. So after much prayer we decided to venture off into the "less strict, positive reinforcement" realm of private schools. Side note: She is too young (by 19 days) to attend public school or she would surely be enjoying Scenic Heights Elementary where we have had zero problems with our 2 older.

My amazing, logical husband keeps reminding me (and I'm so thankful for it) that no kid looks back when applying to colleges to say, if only my parents would have put me at school XYZ for kindergarten. I get that. But a mama needs to stay sane. Can I get an amen?

So step 1 will be scheduling a meeting with the principle. Because my daughter needs to behave. Absolutely will we not put up with disrespect, disobedience, etc. But we have to figure out a way for the teacher to be able to handle her during the day. Because I can't go to school with her. And if I did, she would behave at least one could hope.

To be continued.....

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