Tuesday, April 14, 2015

From a Busy Mom

I write this post today as a busy, working mom. Not as someone who loves fitness and nutrition. Not as someone who is promoting Thrive. I truly want to connect with you on a different level and show you my heart.

I have talked before about the horrible cycle that we all get in. Start working out, start feeling better, busy schedule gets busier and you miss a workout. You beat yourself over the workout and the next day you miss it again. By now you probably don't feel good. You don't feel like working out. So then you give up on the healthy meals you've been planning because frankly you just haven't had time to plan anything let alone cook a healthy meal. The fast food begins again or the frozen meals for the family. Or whatever works. Can I tell you that I have been there! I get there often. It seems as though I can only get about 2 weeks into a workout routine and then something happens to wreck it. Usually it's because I don't feel like it. Or I don't feel good. Regardless, the cycle continues. Isn't it so hard to break it? For me it truly is. And when I feel bad physically and my self confidence slides, it truly affects my relationships. It affects my productivity at work. Mommy always has a headache. Mommy is always tired. Husband thinks wife is grumpy all the time. The self doubt continues.

Is this you? Maybe you're not a mom but a student and classes are weighing you down. Maybe it's your job that you don't like. I don't know it could be anything. What I have found over the last couple of weeks as this is a result of your body not having the fuel it needs. My education is in nutrition so I've heard this for many many years. Food is fuel. And I've always agreed. But it wasn't until I started truly fueling my body that I start FEELING the difference. It's not about seeing the difference but about feeling it. Feeling better makes you be able to face the day and tackle all that you have to tackle.

That is why I Thrive. I just want everyone to know that I truly, truly believe that this product of the highest grade vitamins on the market is legit. Like too legit to quit (insert MC Hammer moves here). This product has the potential to change your life. It is truly changing MY life. I love that at the end of a busy day I do feel like playing Just Dance with the kids. I laugh hysterically at the family game night we are having. I am so much more productive during the day. I am so in love with this product that I absolutely have to share it with others. Please ask me more. Please ask me how this product can help you.

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