Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's Message

If you visit my spiritual fitness page you can listen to the entire message I heard at church today. I just wanted to share a few thoughts about how it spoke to me this morning. It was JUST what I needed. Since this blog is about my fitness journey I find it only appropriate to share my raw feelings with you as well. I guess you could say the title was "What to do when you don't know what to do." Starting this blog and really digging in to this fitness world completely intimidates me. There are SO many blogs, so many different opinions on how one should eat, work out, what works what doesn't. So of course the doubt creeps in. No one will want to read this. Why would someone look at your blog vs the other 10,000 blogs you can find about fitness? You know you've started a blog before and didn't follow through with it. I can provide you with negative self talk all day long.

But then Psalm 56:3 was shared. "But when I am afraid I will put my trust in you." That's all I needed to hear. Aren't we all fearful about something in our life? Don't we worry about things that we shouldn't worry about? The message was about fasting and that some things we are praying for will only come through prayer AND fasting. I'll let you know what I learn from this when it is complete. 

Just know this. You have what it takes to complete your goal! Don't give up! Even if you mess up a day or a week or you have a month that is not in sync with your goals, START OVER!! As our pastor said today, maybe our prayer every morning should be Psalm 56:3, "But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you."

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