Thursday, January 8, 2015

True Story. Can you relate?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what foods are, where they come from, especially the fast food variety. Until last year when I did my first real spiritual fast did I finally overcome the fast food addiction that I had in my life. I'm not kidding. I truly feel like it was a true addiction. One I created. One that I created out of convenience. Yet, one that I began to crave. For my job I do a lot of driving around locally. Which means I drive past A TON of fast food restaurants. I can tell you what combo number I would order at each of them. Those that I didn't frequent as much would frustrate me because it meant that I had to really look at the menu and not just order out of memory. Then maybe I just needed a little afternoon pick me up because I was feeling tired (duh) I would swing into McDonald's (who does have the best tasting fries) and pick up a large fry and a medium coke. Why not? I wasn't overweight. I would burn it off (in theory). And then I would wonder why I could never get rid of my troubled tummy area. And I would feel bloated all the time. And I was tired, every afternoon. Can anyone relate?

Probably the saddest part was I was passing on this bad habit to my kids!! UGH!! They asked for it a lot. But kids are resilient and they learn really fast! I started out with talking to them about the fast and what I was giving up. I told them that they could really help me by not asking to get fast food. Guess what! It worked!! Even if they forgot and asked one would, sometimes not so kindly, remind the other not to ask me.

After the first week, maybe 2 weeks, I could finally drive past a McDonald's and not want to pull in for fries and a coke. (I never really did like their burgers or nuggets but of course would eat them anyway out of convenience). When I realized this was happening I was SO happy. I felt SO accomplished in this!!

I have since learned all of the ugly details about why McDonald's fries taste so good (chemicals and all) and why they all look the same. I love his ideas on cooking at home! This video is about 20 minutes long but well worth it!

 And have also since passed that on to my kids who also no longer ask me for McDonald's.

Now that's my personal story. Maybe your bad habit isn't fast food. Maybe it's dessert every night at 11pm before you go to bed. I don't know, whatever it is. If you want to break the habit YOU CAN! I truly believe a bad habit can be broken in 21 days. At least that's what worked for me!

Disclaimer: If you see me in line at chick-fil-a or Zaxby's do not judge! There are still times that I don't plan ahead and need to feed the kids something quick. But it seems (and I haven't done the research but I plan on it) that the chicken that comes from these two places are somewhat "real" compared to other chains.

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