Friday, November 14, 2014

About the Author

To say I am a fitness fanatic, fitness freak, can't live or breath without working out 3 x a day would be a bit of an exaggeration! But I will say I am IN LOVE with how I feel once I'm done working out. I feel more confident, stronger, happier, and I am much easier to get along with (just ask the hubs and the kids ~ Kalli 11, Kole 8, and the grand finale was Kynlee 3)

About 7 months after turning 18 I met the man of my dreams and we've been together ever since. I went off to college about 7 hours away after knowing him for just 2 weeks. After spending Christmas together in Canada with his family we knew we would be together forever. After a tragic car accident I returned home to finish college in my hometown. At this point in my life my only goal was to finish a degree of some sort and get married!! I flipped through our local college's handbook and picked nutrition as a degree. My thoughts were literally this..."I like food, why not?" After registering and taking my first Elements of Nutrition class (shout out to Gloria Gonzalez!!) I was hooked! I LOVED it! I'm not science minded but I even enjoyed my class called Food Microbiology!

I got married in July of 2000 and began my first nutrition job at a local hospital. I loved it! I loved seeing how food can aid in the healing of very sick / injured individuals. I loved teaching patient's how to take care of their bodies by the food they eat whether it be because of diabetes or heart disease. I even got to teach a weight loss class for the hospital staff that wanted to attend. I have such wonderful memories of that job! My first "real" job!

My next job was in a long term care facility and was also just as rewarding as the hospital environment. This was where I was able to really see nutrition work long term. My main goal was keeping patients from losing weight as most were quite elderly.

After having our "grand finale" I decided to take a job in a completely different field as it would provide a little more flexibility with the children. My office would be at home.

My desire is to work on my own fitness/nutrition goals and help others along the way. I know what busy is like, I know the pull to eat quick, drive-thru, unhealthy foods is very strong. But I KNOW that you don't have to live that way! Follow along as I take you on my own journey and feel free to create your OWN fitness journey!

Connect with me on Facebook at Karen Jolly Fitness for daily motivation!

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